Today Kelly offered me tickets to Radio City Music Hall. Adam, longtime old high school buddy, says he'd love to go but he's got to go to a gallery in Chelsea first. "Oh," I say. "Doesn't happen to be the Robert Mann Gallery, does it?"
"Yeah, it IS." Adam owned photographer Michael Kenna's book who was having a book signing party at the space.
If you have any IDEA how many galleries there are in Chelsea, you would understand the magnitude of the coincidence.
"Cool," I answer. I was going too. My friend Dana, an editor at Blind Spot, invited me.
Next thing I know, I see Danny -- my sister Souris' buddy who I met on Halloween -- whizzing by me in a red blur. I went after him. "Hey Danny!" We chat, I meet his folks. Turns out Danny knew Kim, the Editor of Blind Spot (Dana and Kim make up two thirds of the staff). His father was Kim's doctor. And so it goes.
Hani > Dana > Kim > Danny & his parents > Souris
And to give credit where credit is due: To coin Dana's term, this site is called "the mayor" -- what she calls me -- because of all these funky small world experiences.